Charming Spanish Flower Names You’ll Love
Have you ever wondered how flowers evoke emotions and tell stories through their names? In the realm of Spanish flora, each name is a poetic reflection of its beauty and heritage. This article will introduce you to some charming Spanish flower names that resonate with romance and history.
This guide is your mini Spanish flower book. It has everything you need, from flower pictures to Spanish flower names and their meanings. You can also find Spanish names for girls and boys inspired by flowers. Let’s explore flowers together.
Spanish is a Romance language, along with French, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian. About 500 to 600 million people speak it today. It is the official language in 21 countries, including Spain, Mexico, and most of Central and South America. Spanish originated in the Castile region of Spain, which is why it’s sometimes called Castilian. The Spanish alphabet has 27 letters, including the 26 English letters plus ñ (pronounced “enye”), found in words like “mañana” (meaning “tomorrow” or “morning”). Spanish also uses accent marks (´) to indicate pronunciation.
Spanish Flower Names with Pictures
Exploring flower names in Spanish opens a vibrant world of culture and language, where each bloom carries its own story. For instance, the “rosa” (rose) is not just a flower but a symbol of love and passion deeply embedded in poetry and art. Its various hues, from the classic red to the tender pink, each convey different sentiments, enriching conversations about emotions and relationships.
No. | Flower Images | English Names | Spanish Names |
1 | Rose | Rosa [Ró-sa] | |
2 | Flax | Lino [Lí-no] | |
3 | Jasmine | Jazmín [Hās-mēn] | |
4 | Daisy | Margarita [Mar-ga-rí-ta] | |
5 | Tulip | Tulipán [Tu-li-pán] | |
6 | Sunflower | Girasol [Hee-ra-sól] | |
7 | Balsam | Bálsamo [Bāl-sa-mo] | |
8 | Magnolia | Magnolia [Mag-nó-li-a] | |
9 | Lavender | Lavanda [La-ván-da] | |
10 | Lotus | Loto [Ló-to] | |
11 | Aloe Vera Flower | Flor de Aloe Vera [Flor de A-ló-e Vé-ra] | |
12 | Cobra Saffron | Azafrán de Cobra [A-za-frán de Có-bra] | |
13 | Crossandra | Crossandra [Cro-sán-dra] | |
14 | Crape Jasmine | Jazmín de la India [Hās-mēn de la Ín-dia] | |
15 | Poppy Flower | Amapola [A-ma-pó-la] | |
16 | Golden Shower | Lluvia de oro [Yu-via de ó-ro] | |
17 | Grand Crinum Lily | Lirio Crinum [Lí-rio Crí-num] | |
18 | Chrysanthemum | Crisantemo [Cri-san-té-mo] | |
19 | Chamomile | Manzanilla [Man-sa-ní-ya] | |
20 | Jasminum Sambac | Jazmín Sambac [Hās-mēn Sám-bac] | |
21 | Dahlia | Dalia [Dá-lia] | |
22 | Delonix Regia | Flamboyán [Flam-bo-yán] | |
23 | Sweet Violet | Violeta [Vio-lé-ta] | |
24 | Black Turmeric | Cúrcuma Negra [Cúr-cu-ma Né-gra] | |
25 | Narcissus | Narciso [Nar-cí-so] | |
26 | Peacock Flower | Flor de pavo real [Flor de pá-vo re-al] | |
27 | Puncture Vine | Tribulus [Trí-bu-lus] | |
28 | Yellow Oleander | Adelfa Amarilla [A-dé-lfa A-ma-rí-lla] | |
29 | Yellow Marigold | Caléndula Amarilla [Ca-lén-du-la A-ma-rí-lla] | |
30 | Pot Marigold | Caléndula [Ca-lén-du-la] | |
31 | Pandanus | Pandano [Pán-da-no] | |
32 | Periwinkle | Vinca [Vín-ca] | |
33 | Prickly Pear | Nopal [No-pál] | |
34 | Foxtail Orchid | Orquídea Cola de Zorro [Or-quí-de-a Có-la de Zó-rro] | |
35 | Forest Ghost | Fantasma del Bosque [Fan-tás-ma del Bós-que] | |
36 | Butterfly Pea | Guisante Mariposa [Guisán-te Ma-ri-pó-sa] | |
37 | Blue Water Lily | Lirio de Agua Azul [Lí-rio de Á-gua A-zúl] | |
38 | Hibiscus | Hibisco [Hi-bís-co] | |
39 | Murraya | Murraya [Mur-rá-ya] | |
40 | Night Flowering Jasmine | Dama de Noche [Dá-ma de Nó-che] | |
41 | Night Blooming Jasmine | Dama de Noche [Dá-ma de Nó-che] | |
42 | Creeper | Enredadera [En-re-da-dé-ra] | |
43 | Lady’s slipper orchid | Orquídea Zapatilla de Dama [Or-quí-de-a Za-pa-tí-lla de Dá-ma] | |
44 | White Frangipani | Frangipani Blanco [Fran-gi-pá-ni Blán-co] | |
45 | Shameplant | Planta Vergonzosa [Plán-ta Ver-gon-zó-sa] | |
46 | Scarlet Milkweed | Algodoncillo Escarlata [Al-go-don-cí-llo Es-car-lá-ta] | |
47 | Star Jasmine | Jazmín Estrella [Hās-mēn Es-tré-lla] | |
48 | Stramonium | Estramonio [Es-tra-mó-nio] | |
49 | Hiptage | Hiptage [Hip-tá-ge] | |
50 | Hollyhock | Malva Real [Mál-va Re-al] |
Flower Names in Spanish for Girls
In the enchanting realm of names, flower-inspired monikers hold a special allure, particularly in Spanish speaking cultures. Names like “Rosa” and “Lila” evoke the beauty of blooming gardens, symbolizing love and creativity. But beyond the well-known options, consider the delicate charm of “Azahar,” which refers to the fragrant blossoms of the orange tree.
Flower Name | Spanish Name | Meaning |
Rose | Rosa | Love, beauty, passion |
Lily | Lilia | Purity, elegance, renewal |
Daisy | Margarita | Innocence, simplicity, cheerfulness |
Violet | Violeta | Modesty, faithfulness, love |
Jasmine | Jazmín | Grace, elegance, sensuality |
Camellia | Camelia | Admiration, perfection, devotion |
Iris | Iris | Wisdom, hope, courage |
Orchid | Orquídea | Beauty, luxury, strength |
Poppy | Amapola | Remembrance, consolation, peace |
Sunflower | Girasol | Adoration, loyalty, longevity |
Azalea | Azalea | Femininity, passion, fragility |
Carnation | Clavel | Love, fascination, distinction |
Daffodil | Narciso | New beginnings, rebirth, inspiration |
Dahlia | Dalia | Elegance, inner strength, dignity |
Marigold | Caléndula | Creativity, passion, warmth |
Magnolia | Magnolia | Dignity, beauty, perseverance |
Peony | Peonía | Romance, prosperity, good fortune |
Tulip | Tulipán | Declaration of love, grace, beauty |
Hyacinth | Jacinto | Playfulness, joy, peace |
Gardenia | Gardenia | Refinement, purity, love |
Flower Names in Spanish for Boys
Choosing a name for a boy that draws inspiration from the beauty of flowers can infuse a sense of nature and tranquility into his identity. In Spanish, names like “Jazmín” (Jasmine) and “Ciro” (derived from “Ciro de la flor”) offer a unique blend of masculinity and floral elegance. Jazmín evokes the sweet fragrance and delicate allure of the jasmine flower, often associated with love and purity, while Ciro embodies strength and vitality, reminiscent of vibrant blooms in full bloom.
Flower Name | Spanish Name | Meaning |
Ash | Fresno | Strength, resilience, connection |
Basil | Albahaca | Royalty, good wishes, protection |
Sage | Salvia | Wisdom, longevity, good health |
Hawthorn | Espino | Protection, hope, love |
Rowan | Serbal | Protection, balance, strength |
Cedar | Cedro | Strength, endurance, nobility |
Alder | Aliso | Strength, courage, resilience |
Birch | Abedul | New beginnings, renewal, growth |
Laurel | Laurel | Victory, honor, success |
Cypress | Ciprés | Eternity, sorrow, strength |
Reed | Junco | Flexibility, adaptability, protection |
Sorrel | Acedera | Vitality, health, healing |
Thistle | Cardo | Strength, protection, resilience |
Oak | Roble | Strength, stability, endurance |
Yarrow | Milenrama | Healing, protection, bravery |
Hawthorn | Espino | Defense, love, protection |
Heath | Brezo | Solitude, protection, bravery |
Sagebrush | Artemisia | Strength, protection, endurance |
Juniper | Enebro | Protection, strength, healing |
Willow | Sauce | Flexibility, healing, adaptability |
As we wander through the captivating garden of Spanish flower names, we discover a treasure trove of linguistic charm and cultural significance. Each name, from the lovely “Rosa” to the graceful “Orquídea,” invites us to appreciate the artistry of nature and language alike. These names not only enhance our appreciation for flora but also offer a glimpse into the vibrant traditions of Spanish-speaking cultures.

By incorporating these beautiful terms into our lives, we celebrate both the flowers themselves and the stories they carry. So take a moment to embrace these enchanting names, and let them inspire you to cultivate a deeper connection with the natural world around you.
Read Also: Popular Korean Flower Names That Inspire – 한국 꽃 이름
Frequently Asked Question
What is the famous Spanish flower?
The Red Carnation (Clavel) is an important flower in Spanish culture. It represents love, affection, and admiration. You will often see this bright flower at weddings and festivals in Spain.
What flower symbolizes Spain?
The carnation (Dianthus carophyllus) was the flower symbol of Spain before it became the national flower.
What is a pretty floral name?
There are many lovely botanical names for baby girls that you know, such as Daisy, Dahlia, Ivy, Jasmine, Lily, Rose, and Violet.